Hitting RESET on my year
Every year, rather than New Year’s resolutions, I claim “one word” I want to embody throughout my year. This year was no different. I had a great word, a word that symbolised my hard work and hopes coming to fruition this year…and then 2020 hit us.
Well I have decided to reset my year and claim my word back again. You with me?
Why only One Word
I have never kept a New Year’s resolution. I don’t know anyone else who has either. Holistic, specific, written, or verbal, it doesn’t matter. New Year as a motivation just doesn’t work. Instead it brings on an onset of guilt and defeat when we don’t achieve those lofty goals. Improving habits as they relate to your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health is of course important, but setting them up as New Years resolutions is willing them to fail.
That’s why I choose a word of the year instead. Whenever I feel indecision, or if I am at a crossroads, the One Word will lead me to the answer. It’s like a compass, a guide, rather than an absolute. It’s a word that resonates with me, One Word to live my life by throughout that year.
Sounds easy right?
How One Word works
The “Word of the year” concept is a simplification of the new years resolution. There are now many sites that espouse the value of “One Word” such as One Word 365 “One word. 365 days. A changed life.” or My One Word “Change your life with one word.” and while these might seem like lofty claims, I find it really does make a difference. Choose One Word and you only have three rules to follow to succeed:
- The word must resonate for you personally. It doesn’t have to be complex or over the top but make sure it means something to you personally.
- Set parameters around the word. What are the situations you want to change? Where will it make a difference to you?
- Share the word with your friends and family. This is a sure fire way to be held accountable, and to adhere to your one word.
One Word in action
In 2017 my One Word was “Create” as I wanted to unleash my creativity. Or rather find it again. I tried pottery, sketching, writing, anything that allowed me to test or increase my creativity. I completed The Artists Way again and dug into new ideas and innovation for my new companies with a vengeance. Anything that crossed my path that was different or challenged my thinking I would join, as I believe creativity comes from diversity and challenge.
In 2018 my One Word was “Action” (see image above) and I endeavoured to put all the new ideas into action. If in doubt I had to take action. Any pause, any call for perfectionism, any delay was nipped in the bud, and I got my butt moving to create products and services for my businesses. I took every opportunity, even moderated at a conference in Chicago, I jumped into everything using my One Word as a guide.
These two years started with positivity and enthusiasm and by 2019…I was tired. It had been a drain living like a nomad, going between friends and family, two countries, no respite, no cave to hide in. The businesses were constantly pivoting, colleagues had other priorities, and three people I knew or loved died within six months. In 2019 my One Word was “Energy” and it was about conserving energy, and crucially about re-building energy.
My One Word for 2020
Well I started the year optimistically, claiming “Growth” as my One Word, the idea being that I finally had a stable foundation upon which to grow.
I finally had a home, a place in Munich, a room in London and my business was about to go into revenue producing mode. I was finally writing again and testing my own limitations by committing to building the course I had planned on building for the past three years. It felt like I had cleared the barriers and was about to go into serious growth mode, personally and professionally, in business and in my own self-development. After stagnating for the past year I was ready.
Well, clearly 2020 had other plans.
It has been a challenging year and we are only in June. Lots of distractions, lots of barriers, lots of global issues, and they have impacted us all, in no small way. But One Word stays true. Even today.
I’m taking a minute to RESET my year and my commitment to One Word. It still works for me. It still holds true. Whether it’s growth in handling the impact of social isolation, or learning about the unbearable impact of systemic racism. Growth is never ending. Lifelong learning is never ending.
I needed a reset on this year. Find your One Word. Use it as a guide. I sincerely hope we can all find a way forward through this time. What is the One Word that resonates for you?
Instagram: Raj Hayer